Indiana Manufacturers Association Associate Member Directory
Indiana Manufacturers Association Associate Member Directory
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0181-Nursery Products
1221-Bituminous coal and lignite_surface
1222-Bituminous coal_underground
1241-Coal Mining
1311-Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas
1411-Limestone, Dimension-Quarrying
1500-General Building Contractor
1521-General House Contractors
1541-Industrial Builders
1542 - General Building Contractors nonresidential
1611-Highway And Street Construction
1629-Heavy Construction, NEC
1711-Plumbing, Heating & A/C
1731-Electrical Work
1794-Excavation Work
1796-Install/Erect Building Equipment, NEC
1799-Special Trade Contractors, NEC
2011-Meat packing plants
2013-Sausages and other prepared meat product
2015-Poultry slaughtering and processing
2022-Cheese, natural and processed
2024-Ice cream and frozen desserts
2033-Canned fruits and vegetables
2035-Pickles, sauces and salad dressings
2041-Flour and other grain mill products
2043-Cereal breakfast foods
2046-Wet corn milling
2051-Bread, cake and related products
2052-Cookies and crackers
2053-Bakery products_frozen, except bread
2064-Candy and other confectionery products
2066-Chocolate and cocoa products
2077-Fats and oils_animal and marine
2082-Malt beverages
2084-Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits
2086-Bottled & canned drinks
2087-Flavoring extracts and syrups
2096-Potato chips and similar snacks
2099-Food preparations
2241-Narrow fabric mills
2273-Carpets and rugs
2298-Cordage & Twine
2299-Textile goods
2326-Clothing_men's and boys', work
2329-Clothing_men's and boys'
2337-Suits and coats_women's and misses'
2339-Outerwear_women's and misses'
2385-Waterproof outerwear
2389-Apparel and accessories
2391-Curtains and draperies
2394-Canvas and related products
2395-Pleating and stitching
2396-Automotive Trimmings, Apparel Findings, and Related Products
2399-Textile products_fabricated
2421-Sawmills and planing mills, general
2426-Hardwood dimension and flooring mills
2434-Kitchen cabinets_wood
2435-Hardwood veneer and plywood
2436-Softwood veneer and plywood
2439-Structural wood members
2448-Pallets and skids_wood
2451-Mobile homes
2491-Wood preserving
2493-Wood products_reconstituted
2499-Wood products
2511-Furniture_wood household
2512-Furniture_upholstered household
2514-Furniture_metal household
2515-Mattresses and bedsprings
2517-Wood TV/Stereo/Sewing Cabinet
2521-Office furniture_wood
2522-Office furniture, except wood
2531-Furniture_public building and related
2591-Drapery hardware and blinds and shades
2599-Furniture and fixtures
2621-Paper mills
2631-Paperboard mills
2652-Boxes_setup paperboard
2653-Boxes_corrugated and solid fiber
2656-Sanitary food containers
2657-Boxes_folding paperboard
2671-Paper coated and laminated, packaging
2672-Paper coated and laminated
2673-Bags: plastics, laminated and coated
2675-Die-cut paper and board
2679-Converted paper products
2731-Book publishing
2752-Lithographic printing_commercial
2782-Blankbooks and looseleaf binders
2819-Chemicals_industrial inorganic
2821-Plastic materials and resins
2834-Pharmaceutical preparations
2836-Biological products, except diagnostic
2841-Soap and other detergents
2844-Toilet preparations
2851-Paints and allied products
2865-Cyclic crudes and intermediates
2869-Chemicals_industrial organic
2875-Fertilizers, mixing only
2879-Agricultural chemicals
2891-Adhesives and sealants
2899-Chemical preparations
2911-Petroleum refining
2951-Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks
2952-Asphalt felts and coatings
2992-Lubricating oils and greases
2999-Petroleum and coal products
3011-Tires and inner tubes
3052-Hose and belting_rubber and plastic
3053-Gaskets, packing and sealing devices
3061-Mechanical rubber goods
3069-Rubber products_fabricated
3081-Plastic film and sheet_unsupported
3082-Plastic profile shapes_unsupported
3083-Laminated plastic plate and sheet
3084-Plastic pipe
3085-Plastic bottles
3086-Plastic foam products
3087-Custom compound purchased resins
3089-Plastic products
3221-Glass containers
3231-Glass products from purchased glass
3241-Cement, hydraulic
3251-Brick and structural clay tile
3253-Ceramic wall and floor tile
3255-Clay refractories
3269-Pottery products
3271-Concrete block and brick
3272-Concrete products
3275-Gypsum products
3281-Cut stone and stone products
3291-Abrasive products
3295-Minerals, ground or treated
3296-Mineral wool
3299-Mineral products_nonmetallic
3312-Blast furnaces and steel mills
3315-Steel wire and related products
3316-Cold finishing of steel shapes
3317-Steel pipe and tubes
3321-Foundries_gray and ductile iron
3324-Foundries_steel investment
3339-Nonferrous metals_primary
3341-Secondary Smelting/Refining of Nonferrous Metals
3354-Aluminum extruded products
3355 - Aluminum Roll/Drawing, NEC
3356-Nonferrous rolling and drawing
3357-Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating
3363-Aluminum die-castings
3366-Copper foundries
3398-Heat treating_metal
3399-Primary metal products
3423-Tools_hand and edge
3429-Hardware, NEC
3431-Metal sanitary ware
3432-Plumbing fixture fittings and trim
3433-Heating equipment, except electric
3441-Structural metal_fabricated
3442-Doors, sash and trim_metal
3443-Plate work_fabricated (boiler shops)
3444-Sheet metal work
3446-Architectural metal work
3448-Prefabricated metal buildings
3449-Metal work_miscellaneous
3451-Screw machine products
3452-Bolts, nuts, rivets and washers
3462-Forgings_iron and steel
3465 - Automotive Stampings
3466-Crowns & Closures
3469-Metal stampings
3471-Plating and polishing
3479-Metal coating and allied services
3492-Fluid power valves and hose fittings
3493-Springs_steel, except wire
3494-Valves and pipe fittings
3495-Wire springs
3496-Wire products_misc. fabricated
3497-Metal foil and leaf
3498-Pipe and fittings_fabricated
3499-Metal products_fabricated
3511-Turbines and turbine generator sets
3519-Engines_internal combustion
3523-Farm machinery and equipment
3524-Lawn and garden equipment
3531-Construction machinery
3532-Mining machinery
3534-Elevators and moving stairways
3535-Conveyors and conveying equipment
3536-Hoists, cranes and monorails
3537-Trucks and tractors_industrial
3541-Machine tools, metal cutting types
3542-Machine tools, metal forming types
3544-Dies, tools, jigs and fixtures_special
3545-Machine tool accessories
3546-Power-driven handtools
3548-Welding apparatus
3549-Metalworking machinery
3553-Woodworking machinery
3554-Paper industries machinery
3555-Printing trades machinery
3556-Food products machinery
3559-Machinery_special industry
3563-Compressors_air and gas
3564-Blowers and fans
3565-Packaging machinery
3566-Speed changers, drives and gears
3567-Furnaces and ovens_industrial
3568-Power transmission equipment
3569-Machinery_general industrial
3571-Electronic computers
3579-Office machines
3581-Vending machines_automatic
3585-Refrigeration and heating equipment
3589-Service industry machinery
3593-Fluid power cylinders and actuators
3594-Fluid power pumps and motors
3596-Scales and balances, except laboratory
3599-Industrial machinery
3613-Switchgear and switchboard apparatus
3621-Motors and generators
3624-Carbon Graphite Products
3625-Relays and industrial controls
3629-Electrical industrial apparatus
3632-Refrigerators and freezers_household
3634-Electric housewares and fans
3643-Current-carrying wiring devices
3644-Wiring devices_non-current carrying
3647-Lighting equipment_vehicular
3648-Lighting equipment
3651-Audio and video equipment_household
3663-Radio and TV communications equipment
3669-Communications equipment
3672-Printed circuit boards
3677-Electronic coils and transformers
3679-Electronic components
3694-Engine electrical equipment
3699-Electrical equipment and supplies
3711-Motor vehicles and car bodies
3713-Truck and bus bodies
3714-Motor vehicle parts and accessories
3715-Truck trailers
3716-Motor homes
3724-Aircraft engines and engine parts
3728-Aircraft parts and equipment
3732-Boat building and repairing
3743-Railroad equipment
3769-Missile/Space Parts/Equip
3792-Travel trailers and campers
3795-Tanks and tank components
3799-Transportation equipment
3812-Search and navigation equipment
3821-Laboratory apparatus and furniture
3823-Process control instruments
3825-Electricity measuring instruments
3826-Analytical instruments
3829-Measuring and controlling devices
3841-Surgical and medical instruments
3842-Surgical appliances and supplies
3843-Dental equipment and supplies
3845-Electromedical equipment
3861-Photographic equipment and supplies
3911-Jewelry, precious metal
3942-Dolls and stuffed toys
3944-Games, toys and children's vehicles
3949-Sporting and athletic goods
3952-Lead pencils and art goods
3965-Fasteners, buttons, needles and pins
3993-Signs and advertising specialties
3995-Burial Caskets
3999-Manufacturing Industries - NEC
4011-Railroads, Line-Haul Operating
4213-Trucking Company
4214-Local Trucking With Storage
4225-General Warehousing & Storage
4226-Special Warehouse/Storage, NEC
4661-Solid, Liquid & Gaseous Fuels & Related Products
4731-Arrange Transportation Freight/Cargo
4783-Packing & Crating
4812-Radiotelephone Communications
4813-Phone Communications
4832-Radio Broadcasting Stations
4899-Communications Svcs, NEC
4911-Electric Svcs
4924-Natural Gas Distribution
4931-Electric & Other Services Combined
4932-Gas and Other Services Combined
4939-Combination Utilities, NEC
4953-Refuse Systems
4959-Sanitary Services, NEC
4971-Irrigation Systems
5013-Vehicle Supplies & New Parts
5045-Computers Equip/Software
5047-Medical/Dental Equip/Supplies
5051-Metals Service Centers & Offices
5063-Electrical Equip/Wiring
5065-Electronic Parts/Equip, NEC
5075-Heating & A/C /Equip/Supplies
5084-Industrial Machinery/Equip
5085-Industrial Supplies
5088-Transportation Equip/Supplies
5091-Sporting/Rec Goods & Supplies
5092-Toys & Hobby Goods & Supplies
5093-Scrap & Waste Materials
5099-Durable Goods, NEC
5112-Stationery & Office Supplies
5113-Industry/Personal Svc Paper
5143-Dairy Products
5144-Poultry & Poultry Products
5149-Groceries/Related Prdts, NEC
5162-Plastics Mat'ls/Basic Forms
5171-Petroleum Bulk Terminal
5172-Petroleum/Prdts Wholesalers
5181-Beer & Ale Wholesale
5199-Nondurable Goods, NEC
5411-Grocery Stores
5521-Used Motor Vehicle Dealers
5531-Auto & Home Supply Stores
5561-RV Dealers
5734-Computer/Software Stores
5962-Vending Machine Operators
6021-National Commercial Banks
6022-State Commercial Banks
6029-Commercial Banks, NEC
6099-Depository Bank Functions, NEC
6159-Misc. Business Credit Institutions
6211-Security Brokers
6282-Investment Advice
6300-Insurance Carriers
6321-Accident & Health Insurance
6331-Fire/Marine/Casualty Insurance
6371-Pension/Health/Welfare Funds
6411-Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
6531-Real Estate Agents & Managers
6552-Land Subdividers/Developers
6719-Offices of Holding Companies NEC
6722-Management Investment Offices
6798-Real Estate Investment Trusts
6799-Investors, NEC
7218-Industrial Launderers
7261-Funeral Svc/Crematories
7291-Tax Return Preparation Svcs
7299-Misc Personal Svcs, NEC
7311-Advertising Agencies
7319-Advertising, Not Elsewhere Classified
7322-Adjustment/Collection Services
7323-Credit Services
7331-Direct Mail
7349-Bldg Cleaning/Maint Svc, NEC
7359-Equipment Rental/Leasing, NEC
7361-Employment Agencies
7363-Help Supply Svcs
7371-Computer Programming Svcs
7372-Prepackaged software
7373-Computer Int Systems Design
7374-Computer Processing/Data Svc
7375 - Information Retrieval Services
7376-Computer Facilities Mgt Svcs
7379-Computer Related Services, NEC
7381-Detective/Guard/Armored Cars
7382-Security Systems Svcs
7389-Business Services, NEC
7514-Passenger Car Rental
7538-General Auto Repair Shops
7539-Automotive Repair Shops, NEC
7629-Elect/Electronic Repair, NEC
7812-Movie & Video Tape Production
7948-Racing, Inc Track Operation
7996-Amusement Parks
7999-Amusement & Recreation Service NEC
8011-Doctors of Medicine (Offices & Clinics)
8042-Offices, Optometrists
8049-Offices, Health Pract'ers, NEC
8099-Health & Allied Svcs, NEC
8111-Legal Services
8211-Elementary & Secondary Schools
8221-Colleges & Universities
8222-Jr. Colleges & Technical Institutes
8299-Schools/Educational Svc, NEC
8331-Job Train/Vocational Rehab
8611-Business Associations
8621-Professional Organizations
8641-Civic, Social, Fraternal Associations
8661-Religious Organizations
8699-Membership Organizations, NEC
8711-Engineering Services
8712-Architectural Services
8721-Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services
8732-Commercial Economic, Sociological, and Educational Research
8734-Testing Laboratories
8741-Management Services
8742-Management Consulting Services
8743-Public Relations Services
8748-Business Consulting Services, NEC
8999-Services, NEC
9111-Executive Offices
9199-General NEC
9611-Administration of Economic Programs
9641-Regulation of Agricultural Marketing/Commodities
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0181-Nursery Products
01 - Agricultural Production - Crops
1500-General Building Contractor
15 - General Building Contractors
1541-Industrial Builders
15 - General Building Contractors
1542 - General Building Contractors nonresidential
15 - General Building Contractors
1611-Highway And Street Construction
16 - Heavy Construction
1629-Heavy Construction, NEC
16 - Heavey Construction, Except Builing
1731-Electrical Work
17 - Special Trade Contractors
1794-Excavation Work
17 - Special Trade Contractors
1796-Install/Erect Building Equipment, NEC
17 - Special Trade Contractors
1799-Special Trade Contractors, NEC
17 - Special Trade Contractors
2851-Paints and allied products
Paints and allied products
3479-Metal coating and allied services
Metal coating and allied services
3563-Compressors_air and gas
Compressors_air and gas
3581-Vending machines_automatic
Vending machines_automatic
3599-Industrial machinery
Industrial machinery
3699-Electrical equipment and supplies
Electrical equipment and supplies
3965-Fasteners, buttons, needles and pins
Fasteners, buttons, needles and pins
4011-Railroads, Line-Haul Operating
40 - Railroad Transportation
4225-General Warehousing & Storage
42 - Trucking and Warehousing
4226-Special Warehouse/Storage, NEC
42 - Trucking and Warehousing
4661-Solid, Liquid & Gaseous Fuels & Related Products
46 - Pipelines, except Natural Gas
4783-Packing & Crating
47-Transportation Services
4812-Radiotelephone Communications
48 - Communication
4813-Phone Communications
48 - Communication
4832-Radio Broadcasting Stations
48 - Communication
4899-Communications Svcs, NEC
48 - Communication
4911-Electric Svcs
49 - Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services
4924-Natural Gas Distribution
49 - Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services
4931-Electric & Other Services Combined
49 - Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services
4939-Combination Utilities, NEC
49 - Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services
4953-Refuse Systems
49 - Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services
4959-Sanitary Services, NEC
49 - Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services
5051-Metals Service Centers & Offices
50 - Wholesale Trade (Durable Goods)
5063-Electrical Equip/Wiring
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
5065-Electronic Parts/Equip, NEC
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
5075-Heating & A/C /Equip/Supplies
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
5084-Industrial Machinery/Equip
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
5085-Industrial Supplies
50 - Wholesale Trade (Durable Goods)
5093-Scrap & Waste Materials
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
5099-Durable Goods, NEC
50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
5143-Dairy Products
51 - Wholesale Trade (Nondurable Goods)
5144-Poultry & Poultry Products
51 - Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods
5199-Nondurable Goods, NEC
51 - Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods
6021-National Commercial Banks
60 - Depository Institutions
6022-State Commercial Banks
60 - Depository Institutions
6159-Misc. Business Credit Institutions
61 - Nondepository Institutions
6211-Security Brokers
62- Security and Commodity Brokers
6282-Investment Advice
62 - Security and Commodity Brokers
6321-Accident & Health Insurance
63 - Insurance Carriers
6331-Fire/Marine/Casualty Insurance
63 - Insurance Carriers
6411-Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
64 - Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
6531-Real Estate Agents & Managers
65 - Real Estate
6719-Offices of Holding Companies NEC
67 - Holding and other Investment Offices
6722-Management Investment Offices
67 - Holding and other Investment Offices
7261-Funeral Svc/Crematories
72 - Personal Services
7291-Tax Return Preparation Svcs
72 - Personal Services
7311-Advertising Agencies
73 - Business Services
7319-Advertising, Not Elsewhere Classified
73 - Business Services
7359-Equipment Rental/Leasing, NEC
73 - Business Services
7361-Employment Agencies
73 - Business Services
7363-Help Supply Svcs
73 - Business Services
7371-Computer Programming Svcs
73 - Business Services
7373-Computer Int Systems Design
73 - Business Services
7374-Computer Processing/Data Svc
73 - Business Services
7375 - Information Retrieval Services
73 - Business Services
7379-Computer Related Services, NEC
73 - Business Services
7389-Business Services, NEC
73-Business Services
7538-General Auto Repair Shops
75 - Auto Repair, Services, and Parking
8011-Doctors of Medicine (Offices & Clinics)
80 - Health Services
8049-Offices, Health Pract'ers, NEC
80 - Health Services
8099-Health & Allied Svcs, NEC
80 - Health Services
8111-Legal Services
81 - Legal Services
8221-Colleges & Universities
82 - Educational Services
8222-Jr. Colleges & Technical Institutes
82 - Educational Services
8299-Schools/Educational Svc, NEC
82 - Educational Services
8331-Job Train/Vocational Rehab
83 - Social Services
8611-Business Associations
86 - Membership Organizations
8699-Membership Organizations, NEC
86 - Membership Organizations
8711-Engineering Services
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8721-Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8732-Commercial Economic, Sociological, and Educational Research
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8734-Testing Laboratories
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8741-Management Services
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8742-Management Consulting Services
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8743-Public Relations Services
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8748-Business Consulting Services, NEC
87 - Engineering and Management Services
8999-Services, NEC
89 - Services, not elsewhere classified
9111-Executive Offices
91 - Executive, Legislative and General
9199-General NEC
91 - Executive, Legislative and General
9611-Administration of Economic Programs
96 - Administration General Economic Programs